Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Well, I've been pretty absent on here the last year because I was working 40 plus hrs off farm and ta boot it was 2nd shift, I am a MORNING person! So besides sleeping til 11am and dragging myself(because I sometimes had pies to bake when I got home at midnight to go out for orders the next morning, the dogs always had to go out in the night and we had to really watch our older heeler, she was on meds for seizures and just wasn't doing well. She ended up abruptly loosing her sight in one eye and the other could barely see anything, we had to have her put to sleep as tumor was growing to an unbearable measure. I did a few cakes, donated a porch swing for the community celebration of my husbands hometown. We just opened our last jar of ketchup, still have about 8 qrts of juice left, spaghetti sauce has been gone, still have applesauce, all the jam is gone, ugh!!! Time to plant garden and start all the food canning all over again. We've had many calves born, sold a lot, lost twin calves, bought a handful of cows out of a bad situation and they r doing pretty good 8 months later. I've gotten my sitting room almost completely redone....I had to patch some of the plaster and lathe with drywall and I've stripped the paint of the ornate door hinges and we found the wooden replacement parts the go on the doors behind the door knobs. I got a new screen door and put it on the tenants trailer. My hubby has been soooo busy too. So, I decided, since I hadn't really seen my hubby in almost a year, that I would push my cake business, push the porch swings and I'm making the soaps, shampoos, conditioners, and lotions now too. I still work at the hotel front desk but only a couple days a week dayshift. I get to see my hubby! I get to go to bed by 10:30 most nights! I get to get up in the morning! Yea, me! I think my publisher is tired of waiting for me to finish my book though so hopefully I can get that buttoned up in the next couple months. And I think because I have a newer iphone now it's not letting me post pics so they will have to wait till I get on the computer. I am anxious to get start surfing all the blogs I've missed these many months.
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Slowing my life merry go round from 220 mph to a nice 55 mph!
Ok, so spud the kitty I rescued last fall/winter, who lost his toes from being caught in string under tenant's trailer, has long been healed up after the vet removed the bones that were left sticking out after his little toes rotted off. My hubby and I each went through a lovely -2 wks missed work-only left bed long enough to feed and care for cows-in which we had to nursemaid a new calf that died at 4 days old---FLU! Omg, we were literally bedridden. I've had plenty of pie orders, through the winter but working 40+hrs 2nd shift at hotel really took a lot out of me. Since I'm a morning person it was a long past year working 2nd shift and not seeing my hubby much. I gave notice at hotel to only work 2 day shift days a week starting in April as I've started making soaps, lotions, creams, shampoos, and conditioners (which I am in process of getting my business ins. And copyright to my name so I can sell them too). But the second wk of April the front desk manager at hotel landed himself on a lovely 3-4 wk vacation that was not optional after a visit to ER. So I worked his shift for him every day til he got back. I'm late getting my last chapter of my book to the publisher, ugh! And now I took in 4 --2 wk old kittens so people would not take them to SPCA. Feeding was every 3 1/2 hrs but as of this past Saturday they are all pooping and pooping on their own and using litter pan, they also eat from a dish now(although still standing/stepping in it most of the time). It's time to get garden planted, we just sent 11 calves to auction and just had 6 born in last 2 wks. My hubby got us a used D17 tractor so I can learn to help with fieldwork(my request) as tractors we have didn't have breaks if stalled and we farm all hills. I drove it for the first time the other day and got to back up our used but new to us cullipacker(spelling), unhook and drive over and back it down slope into the barn and park it! Yea! You can teach an old dog new tricks, lol🙀😜 also excited because I tried my first ever cold process soaps, a dark chocolate/vanilla mocha soap and a neroli and Shea blossom and cedar wood atlas essential oil soap with what is called a Taiwan swirl. I also have made a face cream I have been dying for since I can't find the carrot face cream I used to get from burts bees. But I like mine better! I will share my website soon with you all. Just tired, half way through the 2 yr transition of the "change of life" and I will be very ecstatic when hot flashes are done. Finally took time to cut my hair as it was driving me nuts in my eyes long......oh, I guess I will just add some pics now to go with all this update. Well, I will post them if I can figure out how from my iphone now. 

Friday, February 10, 2012
What's Up!
Wow! Busy is just the beginning. I feel soooo deprived of my time on my craft blog, facebook time, emails...um, since I have over 1000 unread I'll leave that subject alone, me time...what's that????? ha ha ha. Okay, so I've been busy working, making cookies (check out my cake site - cakesbychris.blogspot.com), putting/writing music to the song I have been writing for a special someone as a suprise - I have the tune, have some of my guitar chords figured out and playing those to record them and put them on the awesome program my nephew told me about 'audacity.com' where I will be able to record my voice, my guitar playing, and add other instruments and such, I just have to finish writing the music for all of it - whew! I have 242 little dirt pots for flower garden seeds ready for seed starting and 38 little dirt pots for garden plant seeds ready for seed starting. I long to just sit at my sewing machine and sew(I'm thinking of making a quilt for a wedding gift for this summer for a nephew)...plus I have mending to do. Ugh, where to begin...I just pick something and do it and hopefully I will eventually get caught up to myself --- lol---the reality side of me says I won't ever get caught up cause I find tooooo many 'things' I want to do. Oh, yeah, and my biggest news --- I got engaged on Christmas day --- WOO HOO! I didn't know if my shy farmer would ever get the words out! lol We just had the last of our calves born about a month ago and I just did pour on wormer by myself on all our cattle since my other half works so many hours off farm I didn't know if it would get done otherwise. I know I'm leaving news out but I'll hopefully be back to update soon.
Elevated Dog Dishes

Okay, I got sick and tired of the dogs moving their dishes all around and under the spare chair, etc., SO!, for Christmas I made them an elevated dog dish stand. It took me an hour and a half by the time I drew out my design on my wood to the time I put on my first coat of polyurethane. I did by new dishes to go in it but I used wood that I had saved from an old farm house that was tore down. I countersunk my screws and used the wood rasp/file to make a little indent by the dish hole to make it easy to grab the dishes out of the holder to clean and fill them.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Adorable Garden Signs
Okay, it seems like I am always doing work around the farm and home of 'stuff' that has to get done, well, Sunday I decided to work on a project just for me! :) I saw these cute little garden signs in a magazine, they only had 5 to go by of which 3 garden items I had in my garden so I used the shading ideas for those and let my imagination go for the others. Unfortunately I forgot to cut my board for my radish sign (which those aren't planted yet but still:) so, I have a pic of my little guy but he's waiting for his sign to go on. I love how they turned out....
Friday, April 22, 2011
Life Update
So, it's been awhile since I posted on here before today, since then I have had a full time seasonal job that ended in Jan. I have sewn items, completed wood storage boxes for my boyfriend's workshop, recovered a vintage bench that I saved from the dumpster, as posted below - worked to make our tennant trailer rentable, worked in my own kitchen, planted flower seeds inside for my flower beds, starting to get the garden ready, my dad died of cancer the middle of March(which I had not seen him in 4 years and because of a blessing of one of my dad's friends, my boyfriend and I were flown from PA(where we live) to Florida and I saw my dad - it was a fantastic visit, he was as full of life as he could be for being in the condition he was in - 52 hrs later he died. I've also been busy cleaning up in our barn tool room, taking care of our beefcows, and splitting and stacking firewood - thank goodness that is done for the year! I know there is more but - I just can't remember right now. Keith's off farm job requires him to work 24 hrs on site fracking gas wells, so it is total 29 hrs. he is gone awake time, home for about 18 hrs, and back to work to do it all again so much of the home and farm fall on my shoulders, but I am still looking for work again and Keith has had double hernia surgery last fall, bronchitis/numonia(spelling) in Jan/Feb and then passing blood in March/April - so he is still having testing and lovely stuff going on to find out what's going on. We will most likely have a new calf baby born by morning chore time, with hopefully all our momma cows expecting soon and kittens should be soon from at least 2-3 of our momma cats. I wish I had more time - I do get to watch 'girl' type movies on the nights Keith is at work - and I recently watched Julie and Julia - it inspired me to blog consistantly but to date I have not gotten there - so much to do and not enough time. I also watched the move 'Eat, Pray, Love'(I think that was the name) AWESOME movie for any person at all who has been through any type of hurt of the heart, whether it be a child, parent, friend, significant other, whatever - it was awesome. So, I will try and get more of my recent projects posted soon so I don't get to far behind.
Vintage wood Nail/bolt boxes turned shelving!
So, out in the wagon shed is a big pile of 'stuff' from when my boyfriend's parents sold there farm and bought a house in town. I hate having so much 'stuff' to organize and go through BUT I love the big pile of 'stuff' to be creative with. There are many of these vintage wood nail/bolt boxes so I thought I would make some shelving for the kitchen. AND the kitchen and I just spent 15 1/2 straight hours - yes, from 6 am - 10:36 pm(had to minus my chore time for the beef cows) in reformation. I had my first meal at about 10:50 pm - sat for 15 min. and went to bed til 5 am and started cleaning the kitchen back up. I wasn't able to strip the boards yet that are behind the shelving pictured here and that was why I explained some of my kitchen project - I will be posting pics soon of our kitchen. But back to the shelves...
Now, these were full of dust, dirt, old oats, old straw, nasty stuff. I used a paint scraper, a soft green dry scrub pad, a stiff paint brush, and the shop vac to clean these up. I carefully hammered in any nails or loosening dovetails. I also cleaned them all with liquid gold. I nailed them together with old, small nails from a time era when these would have been new(psss-the nails came out of the lathe boards that have been taken out of the house so far). I did use 3 screws to hang it on the wall, but I am so pleased with this. I have started putting on some of our 'older' items we have and I have one more I did to hang by the door for more items and keys and such. Now, once that wall is stripped and done natural it will all come together.

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